Which Shooting Badges are the Best in NBA 2K22?

Earlier, we released some NBA 2K22 guides, such as the best playmaking badges, the soundtrack list, how to get NBA 2K22 MT, and more. Now, we will introduce the best shooting badges.

With Shooting Badges, players can alter how they go about moving around the court and making shots. So, which shooting badges are the best in NBA 2K22?

Here are the best shooting badges in NBA 2K22 to help make your player a perimeter and long-range threat.

Shooting Badges

Description: Jump Shots taken with the aiming stick will receive a boost when aimed correctly.

The Sniper Badge is an incredible starter Badge and is arguably the best Hall of Fame Shooting Badge.

If you are comfortable with using the Pro Stick to shoot, Sniper is an obvious choice. This badge's description is pretty straightforward: it boosts hit shots using the Pro Stick to shoot. There's nothing wrong with using buttons to shoot, but the Pro Stick offers added precision to shooting.

This Badge brings a boost to jump shots taken with a slightly early/late timing. However, early and late shots receive a bigger penalty.

Hot Zone Hunter

Description: Shots taken in a player's hot zone(s) are given a boost.

Hot Zone Hunter is a Shooting Badge that boosts a player's shooting percentages on field goal attempts.

If you have mastered shooting from one particular part of the court, the Hot Zone Hunter badge can make you an even bigger threat on the court. More importantly, this badge boosts the shot percentage and your success rate on shots for attempts taken in the player's hot zone. As long as you know where your MyPlayer's hot zones are (indicated in red in the player card), Hot Zone Hunter can add to your arsenal.

If your three-point stat is perfect, you can't go wrong with this badge.

Limitless Spot-Up

Description: Boosts the range that one can effectively shoot standing three-point shots.

Limitless Spot-up is a new badge for NBA 2K22 and improves your player's ability to hit logo-range 3's off a catch and shoot. It is in the shooting category of badges and a replacement for Deep Threes/Range Extender.

For players looking to boost their range, the Limitless Spot Up Badge is the one for you. It's tested well at The Park, and Pro-Am as at least one player on the team should be using this Badge.

Green Machine

Description: Gives an additional shot boost when consecutively achieving excellent releases on jump shots.

Although the highest Green Machine can rank up to is silver, it's still one of the most popular Shooting Badges in the game.

The Green Machine Badge gives an additional shot boost when consecutively achieving excellent releases on jump shots. This badge gives you a wider window for getting Perfect or Excellent releases once you've consecutively hit Excellent releases. It's a great way to get a hot hand and one of the best badges to capitalize on good shooters. Additionally, if you're having trouble consistently hitting Perfect releases (which many people are on 2K22), this badge can be of great help.


Description: Jump shots taken with a defender closing out receive less penalty from a shot contest, including mid-range and 3PT shots.

Deadeye is another reliable shooting badge that's been a part of NBA 2K for years. It reduces the effectiveness of a defender to tries to close in on a shooter and therefore makes long-ranged bombs easier to pull off. Small windows to shoot get big, and big windows to shoot get even bigger. Especially with defenders with large wingspans like Giannis Antetokounmpo, you'll sometimes experience the massive impact they have when closing out is massive. Deadeye is one way to combat this.

Want to know the best badges in other categories? Please feel free to check out here.


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